I'd really like your take on Clockwork if you get the time. Thanks bro.
If I'm on I am usually down to test, but I probably won't be tonight. If anyone gets a lobby going and is feeling generous, please give Clockwork...
If you get in any 2v2 lobbies, could you please try out Clockwork and leave feedback. Thanks bro.
I could really use your feedback/opinion/review on Clockwork. If you have time of course. :)
@ Box I moved the spawns in OS area this morning and updated my FS. Hopefully I can get a couple more games in later this evening to test it out,...
Yeah its 2v2. Thanks
If you get around to it, could you review Clockwork. I really liked your re view of Blackheart and I could use an educated review on this one.
I'll move that spawn tomorrow after work. I was going to earlier, but I ran out of time. I hope to get more games on it with you soon. Thanks for...
Chronmeister submitted a new map: Clockwork - Slayer, KOTH, Oddball, 4-8 Players Clockwork Players: 4-8 ( Best suited for 2v2's) Gametypes:...
Clockwork Players: 4-8 ( Best suited for 2v2's) Gametypes: Slayer, KOTH, Oddball Weapons: Sniper Rifle 120s no clip, Brute Shot 120s 2 clips,...
This looks pretty cool. Nice to see an original asym for a change. Quake seems to be the best place to draw inspiration from with this game. I...
Blackheart is my submission to the 1v1 Contest. It is an asymmetrical arena map with a very vertical layout. The center platform serves as a...
1v1 map contest results. LoL. Why did I even bother?
My suggestion for this map is to stick with the style you used on one of the bases and use the same style on the other two. Right now, the map...
Why can't we not be sober?
I updated the map with some major structural changes along with the addition of Oddball. Here are the updated pics... [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]...
This ****ing horse runs free bitches
I really like the middle of the map and the connections to it. The sightlines in the outer areas seem a little long though and you could maybe...