Google search confirms it is. Go me.
Is your avatar from Road to Perdition?
The guy is working on FF XIII Versus, which sounds amazing (coming from someone who only played X and X-II, the latter of which sucked) and has...
Well the issue with that is not only choosing the right one but protecting it so that it's an "open" output. Pharma corporations, all the...
Of games that have released or release by years end, in order of preference, I want: Halo 4 Borderlands 2 Assassin's Creed 3 Far Cry 3 (wish I'd...
You were right, he did own 100% of the company. Don't know what the "buying back shares" bit was referring to though. Also, he said he's donating...
How is Full Sail working for you?
You forgot to put the forging process prank video in the post you tard. Forging Process - Tritium - YouTube
You know me better than to think I didn't see that a second after it was posted, silly. I won't know what my schedule is until tomorrow.
Telling him the truth. To be honest I'm tempted to just go with building a PC for filmmaking. Basically that + I have what seems to be the...
I think I'll just email Tim Cook and ask for one straight out.
Hm. And 400% markup RAM. [sigh]
Yeah I was definitely going to max everything out, especially since you can't upgrade it later.
I'm on a core2 duo. So anything is an upgrade. Definitely a 15 inch. I multitask alllll the time.
Spartan Ops is set 6 months after the events of Halo 4.
By all rights you should have gotten **** on.
Such is the Fillion.
Considering you aren't even commenting on the video itself with the comment (which is evident because you just copied someone else's comment...
When it's accompanied by a salient link, making it a comment: exactly. Save your sarcasm for someone who isn't your better in such affairs. Are...
You clearly have no idea what spam is. I think you've been told to stop spamming so many times you've internalized it and applied it to everything...