Hah, I'm going to be doing the same thing you are with videos, but not for a personal channel I don't think. Well maybe it will end up being so,...
rofl, that's right. okay. Going back to my xbox.
Oh yeah that isn't deliberate. And what is your GT? same as here?
I did have a plan to visit Chuck at cripple camp next year and pretend to be a different person entirely and just drive him insane the entire...
I have no idea what you're talking about, but I hate numerology, so.
I'll be on for the next few hours if you're keen on killing your sleep schedule.
Yeah, there's a guy in my hometown even that is my doppleganger. He's around my age, walks and talks exactly like me, but hasn't gone to any of my...
Except flood have been shown to use weapons since their debut. And thruster packs? Come on now. Besides, if the gravemind is any indication,...
This + Campaign being ****ing glorious makes me forgive the ****ed up forge/customs. So good.
They nailed it. It looks and feels like halo despite the changes that I had been agonizing over for months before release. The ordinance drops...
Yeah those are trivialities. And I'm thiiiis close to making a thread on waypoint explaining all the plot strands that link to it. I'm confident...
That is one of the greatest things I have ever seen.
How are you liking multiplayer?
It's scary how much that echoes my thoughts on Campaign, Forge, and Custom Games, respectively.
Same characters. Same plotline, really.
Yes you can.
They realllllly ****ed up infection customization. No weapon choice AND no AA choice? ****ing seriously?
It may be my favorite campaign in the series. At the very least it's a VERY close second to Halo 1.
BT being clever O.O
****ing incredible campaign, I'm astonished. CE (barely, and arguable right now) > H4 >>> ODST >>>>>> Reach >>>>>>>>>> H2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> H3 imo....