Do you want to [laughs to himself] make a laser tag map with me? Chuck went off and decided to go make paintball on his own despite the fact that...
I've had two "movie dreams" to date. Both related to the same theme but wildly different in scope and detail. The first one was my favorite dream...
I was JUST about to make a video about this because I discovered it a few days ago as well. Discovered in the sense that it's about the only...
Captain Jack is the epitome of Davies having direct control over something. He was awesome on Doctor Who, where Davies had to rein it in, but...
Davies uses cliches and tropes left and right to tell his stories. Moffat tries to break convention in some way in every one of his. The dialogue...
Man you killed my interest in the thread before I could even comment. That's a new record.
No idea, but the possibilities you outlined for H5 sound very unlikely lol.
BL2 will be $35 on black friday. WANT SO BAD.
wrong word.
Man you just don't quit living up something that died out years ago. Move on Grif, jesus.
I went 19-0 on Ragnarok support sniping. Got to the point where they stopped going top mid altogether and started sending vehicles after me.
Agreed. I thought the same thing when she showed up.
Ah okay, hard to tell with the current pictures. Understandable why said pictures are why they are though. lol
That looks waaaaaaaay too open for a swat map. There needs to be more obstructions in the lines of sight.
I've gotten glitch rotation without having shown anyone my map though. Like I said, I forged, ended the game, came back (my party is invite only,...
Oh I didn't know he wasn't going to be in it. Awesome. Andy Samberg's guest role on Parks had me crying with laughter. The ****ing line about...
Mose was the main reason I wanted the Office spinoff despite the show being stale.
I know nothing about baseball but I love parks and rec.
Every few months I read that Christian Bale article you linked years ago. Just thought I'd let you know.