Everyone who has a thought at all because every argument must be argued forever in every possible way for any possible reason.
No stupid, that's in the other thread. and that price is voluntary if they're getting a dropbox account anyway.
Since I have a cap card I am willing to cap them for you during the whole fileshare blackout. Process Put up to 5 pictures and 1 video per map...
Well if you can get someone else to host it for you (via imageshack, photobucket, etc) I'll still grab the pictures for you. I just can't host...
That's a wrap, everybody. Good job.
So is he.
I'll host them and link you to them. But you'd have to grab them and host them yourself since I'd be using my dropbox account.
If you put everything in your fileshare and send me a message (My GT is the same as my name here), I'll take 5 or so pictures and a video for you.
[signs on for two minutes] "Hey" [disappears for months again]
Or fly me up to san jose, whatevs.
Just fly me out there and I'll get you an A on the project, easily. "Just shut the **** up, Essias" Funniest day ever.
I knew you actually got angry whenever I trolled you.
Do you want to work with me on making a map for Patrician Hunt? I know you haven't played it but I ask because it's a successor to the ninja map I...
Just take a screenshot of you bragging about something, talking about your past as a one-time staffmember, trying to win us over by posting...
True. But you did say to buy MW3, which more than overpowers the misattribution.
No problem.
In Sauce/Paste: To think we all hated MW3 and all love Halo 4.
Motion to delete Grif's pictures every time they crop up.
Every concern I had about generic Halo 4 being more like Call of Duty has been assuaged. It plays nothing like CoD.
Make sure you grab the video, I can't host it forever.