....Sick What is your username?
3.14(4.6) / 114 = 0 That's trick question, silly.
I like it. I wish I had it first. *****.
Watching Heroes.
VoteMatch Results! My results from the first site. Damn McCain, using pretty much the same platform as Obama as a desperate attempt to get...
Pandemic Studios Community / Hijack Codes Datbase (PS3 + X360) - BETA
Question: If I disable my rep after this change, and people give me rep, then I enable it, does it show the rep I have recieved?
Same thing for me, must be a website glitch. If you go on your Xbox, all of your friends are still there. [IMG]
Skitch is for mac. Lulz.
People you need not worry about. REPZ HORE
That's not what people say. I'm talking to you because [IMG]
Apparently, you're a reputation *****.
Theres a text chat too.
It's 'Dragoncoals'
Her necklace is a **** symbol (swastika)
It's like 5 days after the show. LOL Anyway, it was an amazing episode. I was confused about the part with Ando and Hiro.
A build up of infractions
Look at her necklace.