Lol, I saw this guy in guitar class who was playing insanely well he looked pro. I was pretty jealous. Then when the teacher asked him to play...
You guys play really well...
I'm learning the Guitar, although I really want and would much rather learn to play the piano. 2 Months of practice and I've gotten down to 4...
Me too...
Are they like actual Jeans made from the material Jeans are made from. Because Steam does not affect the clothing and neither should alcohol....
Aren't you the one who is constantly doing bad things, you even posted that you got chased by cops... I don't support marijuana, but I no longer...
No, I just said that because it's an added perk. I owe my life to God and I will remain loyal to him until I die.
Really? what's the difference. I have friends, I have the same morals, I have a life? What is so different, at least I don't sit in my room on...
I enjoy going to church, and I don't really risk anything. You risk going to Hell...
Don't we attack opinions in Debate??? I won't lie, yes I am attacking your opinion. I believe it is wrong, don't take it though that I am yelling...
So you would expose your five year old to the harsh reality of the world, poor parenting really. When I was young I believed in the Three Wise men...
There are not really that many exceptions... you only pointed out two. Just, pick a religion, follow the rules to the best of your abilities and...
Ok, but that has nothing to do with Incest... also, have you heard of bi-curiosity. I'll go get some info on it if there is any....
Inglorious Bastards made the Germans look Good. All I saw in the movie is Americans horrendously killing Germans and a french women burn 100's of...
There were either no zombies or giant hordes of them throughout the movie. It was also a repeated cycle of them getting betrayed by the two girls....
No, the bible only says that those who have faith in God and do good will go to heaven.
In the Bible Noah lived to be 950 and if you read the Bible carefully his children lived to be 800 and slowly the years began to drop. Perhaps the...
Basic knowledge of metaphors would tell us that the "Flood" only happened in a region or continent and not really the entire world. Please......
Don't assume I did not read your story because I still believe in mine.
So what exactly is all the CO2 in the atmosphere doing? Are you saying it's doing nothing, considering that CO2 traps in heat and destroys the...