How can Evolution be true if DNA repairs itself, meaning it does not allow mutations or any variations. This would leave us with chromosomes but,...
Evolution would say that a plant would not make itself addicting so that more people can kill it. Creationism obviously points towards medical...
Yea, use marijuana medically, not to get high. We have skewed the definition of what is natural use of things. I doubt nature intended for anyone...
Horrible Song, Religion has nothing to do with. -Formation of Countries -Racialism -Greed -Poverty -World Hunger Even if everyone were to become...
YouTube - RFID chip hand implantation They say that the Vaccines have RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chips in them... There purpose......
Dawn of human race uncovered - life - 11 June 2003 - New Scientist I find you distasteful to debate with. I have yet to insult you or your...
That supports me... "The 160,000-year-old fossils, the oldest ever **** sapiens and excavated in a remote region of Ethiopia, appear to prove...
[/COLOR] From your own source... No where do they state that this IS the link. I would also like to bring to your attention that they found 49...
You're wrong. Where did you get the 3.9 million years thing. Dawn of human race uncovered - life - New Scientist
What, you do have to play Matchmaking to level up! :angry: Most people don't talk to all of their friends and there are so many games that I...
Marley and Me So sad...
"Don't necessarily" And I quoted that because that is the point I want to discuss. Why should that be happening at all? This is why I do not...
Does that still justify locking them in small cages and giving them horrible living conditions. Animals do these things naturally without a doubt...
I know this much, the teenagers only do it to feel different. Does it matter if you call yourself Latin-American during your teenage years and can...
Hypocrite. I don't come into a debate forum so that I may get insulted for my beliefs or to argue with cocky people who assume they are correct....
Ever get the feeling that maybe God is all-knowing but that does not mean he can see into the future, it never said anywhere in the Bible that God...
What? Really, If I were to say that I survived a car crash I would see that as a miracle of God and I would also thank myself for putting on the...
What's not to get? All he said was that RabidZelbrig is contradicting himself by saying that there might is a God who will accept an Atheist even...
We've influenced nature regardless, I doubt nature intended for us to destroy millions of trees or create war. Also you missed the point of the...
This is actually a really good question! Could this women end up having a child that saves lives. If so I would take the bullet, but we don't...