Eww, new members... They suck... Let them mature and grow on their own...
Not what I meant, by that I meant we're not there for oil like we are in Iraq, but at the end of the day... Everyone's gonna hate us for trying.
All we seem to get for trying to help anyone now a days is hatred... Instead of fixing it themselves, they beg for America to come with their...
Yes, putting ourselves in another stupid dilemma. Why can't we just fix our own country first and let everyone deal with their own problems...
Lol, saw a video of Japanese behaving orderly in a relief camp... Lol, I remember how in Haiti they killed the people who came to help, and in...
Want to lower gas prices? Switch to Nuclear Power in the large scale... Use public transportation, don't drive to a store around the corner, ride...
Sarge at one point, a very long time ago... <3'd me!!! =D
XD yea that's true, I'm just a **** geek is all...
When I first saw the trailer I also didn't think of it too highly... But then, I saw the blimps, and I saw the "Luftwaffe" cross on them, and...
YouTube - Sucker Punch - Trailer #1 Discuss...
I believe morality is made up of three fundamental layers of perspective, one is the individuals perspective, the second is the cultures/group...
Chibi Vampire... You deserve a hug
To much Religious bullshit and debates for me too handle... Seems the only way people can have fun on this site anymore is by debating religion.....
That's a pretty pathetic review... As if people would actually run into a kill ball just out of the blue, no it won't happen this map is very well...
Hello =) this site seems so dead to me... Maybe it's because it's 2:00 AM over here...
I am looking at the map, and I would love to be able to judge it in an actual lobby of players, but I do not have sufficient associates to handle...
Great incorporation of the surrounding environment to add a more pleasant depiction of an actual dock yard, I find your creativity to be...
This site feels so dead...
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/off-topic/73677-world-war-iv.html Good Times... ^.^ Good times...
Good, good. I've come back, but this site feels different now... I don't stay for hours like I used to just 30 minutes or so.