Thanks, but my opinions are my opinions. You did enlighten me though. I considered the ten commandments to be one of those last life-lines that...
Matty... >_> I gave up already...
Twas more of my reason for defending it... Rather then to attack the opposition. Edited by merge: Matty's sophistication scares me, I believe...
Didn't ignore them, admitted defeat... Waved the white flag, resigned... Etc... Etc... I can't argue with facts regardless... Edited by...
Lol, my opinions are trash, I'll go cry in a corner now... -sigh in defeat-
Interpret it at a personal level, don't let a figurehead leader tell you what it says.
Christianity, does not tell you to have a leader interpret God's message. Sorry for the lack of clarity. Rather it is Catholics who have a Pope...
Firstly, if we take into consideration the notion of free will given to us by God, then we could in fact deny Atheists without being hypocrites....
"I used to curse those with shoes, until I met a man without feet" Anon. That's an analogy I think that's as concise as possible on the issue....
Lol this is turning into a debate...
I'm a Christian, I have Atheistic friends and we generally get along just fine. There seems to be no bigotry, or vanity on either side. Only on...
If only you people cared as much when NDAA was passed...
Medieval II: Total War - Official Units Gameplay Trailer - YouTube Good game, you do need a decent computer though for the really, really big...
You Like Ron Paul, Except on Foreign Policy - YouTube Ron Paul - Watch this presentation to see why so many people are endorsing Ron Paul for...
I clicked your link, I died, lost faith in humanity... regained faith in humanity... Laughed, and fell in love with you and everyone in that video. HOW DA **** IS THAT SPAM **** YOU!!! Clearly I can't state my displeasure of an...
I love you too...
I remember when their used to be nothing but pornography on this board... What happened Forgehub...
This site, feels shitty...
I'm just glad he's dead... One less retard in the wave retards to help spread retardation in the form of a movie. I wonder who's next?