I'm defending Noahs Ark... So yea flr http://deborahdrapper.com/was-noahs-ark-big-enough/
Genesis 6:14 [spoiler] Was Noah’s Ark Big Enough? Deborah Drapper’s Blog [spoiler] Genesis 3:2 [spoiler]
I'll reply to your comment tomorrow, I've got to go.
Your biased for assuming that only creationists misuse Carbon dating.
Yes... *Hugs*
Apparently to my source it does, I'm sorry if it goes against you but you prove this to me with a source. Once again Uranium-Thorium dating has...
So I did some research on Carbon Dating and lord and behold... [spoiler] My point is, this very little paragraph supports and proves that what...
It does exist, you just need to stay away from it and really struggle to achieve goals and in some cases believe in God, considering you're an...
This is pretty late...
If no one died there would be over-population leading to an imperfect world. So regardless of how you look at it imperfect is perfect. The fact...
Money can't buy you a wife who loves you for who you are and not what you have. Money can't buy hugs of true affection. I think money can buy...
Do you really think it would have mattered which religion was dominant for the bubonic plague to happen. Only one sperm makes it into the egg...