So... Any thoughts on The War Z? Seeing how I haven't played Day Z, I kind of think they're exactly the same except for a few customization...
Sounds good.
What two sections did you have again?
Long story short, It's more the latter than the former. Just the way in which I present these concerns come off as dickery.
So it's NOT a remake of the halo 3 map of the same name? Anywho, I'd have to say, not liking the big flat surface for the entire map kind of...
Bing - Explore
I was referring to the message you get when you go on TT... the personalized one for you was my doing.
Somehow I feel this new name of yours was my doing.
Moar ***** reference? BRING IN ZE BULGE!!!!
I'm just saying it would be cool to cartoonize that.
I have a cartoon idea for you. Skyrim guard in nothing but a helmet and that loincloth thing with the caption "I find your hand in my pocket, I'm...
It is unlockable... if you look closely at Emile, he's missing the hip pack. Also with Jorge, the colors are slightly off. Also, the guy who took...
In my experience, placing my losap ID card (firefighter ID card) in plain view when I open my wallet, minor traffic violations aren't really much...