ENDCAT is the cat for me. :D
I think someone should actually make the game, Carl of Duty Black Cops.
how about now? I mean it's smaller but still...
Weird... It's showing up for me. One sec.
The image not work for you or something?
It's getting pretty hard jumping in and out of the conversations periodically but I'll keep trying... Perk to help snipers kill you more with...
maybe this will cheer you up. [IMG]
Overheard a conversation about his scheduled neutering. [img]
Bing rewards gives free microsoft points and is not a scam. Very minuscule amounts, though. Like 100msp every 5-8 days. You can do it here.
sounds good to me
I'm pretty sure there's a mod to save a map and load it somewhere else
A two story house with a white picket fence, a beautiful wife, two and a half kids, and a dog named spot?
Thank you, tekkit, for sucking me back into minecraft.
You better ****ing be online when I am.
So yea... I have a BF3 multiplayer code now.
The first answer.
Guess what I finally got.