I wouldn't mind Valhallah at all but I guess that's just me...
After seeing that grifball video... I think I'm going to vomit.
I'm sorry, I only shoot bows like a real man.
Snow Patrol - The Lightning Strike (Parts I-III) - YouTube
Skype: SethDenner Steam GT: Virus11010
Morpheus Cat Facts - what if i told you you cant catch that red dot
One Percent Cat - im just an average american fancy feast at every meal
I guess I was right about the name... Glad to see some minute overhaul adjustments to the game at such a reasonable price.
A quote that only I would know. So in a sense, referring to the xkcd link, that's pretty much what I do for most of my passwords.
Kot (stabilizator obrazu) / Cat (image stabilizer) - YouTube
It'd be pretty fun. You wouldn't need to get a ton of people either for it to work out. :D