I'll probably try to complete one or more of my numerous incomplete maps out of my treasury of ****. That or a tube/hamster tunnel maze/slayer map.
Kinda pissed that I can't participate due to firefighter stuffs... ah well.
I feel bad for hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobics... By definition they would have phobiaphobia since they'd be afraid of the name of their...
Music for Dancing Bear Ensemble - YouTube
So wait... Why no sniper or pistol? I choose pistol.
Oh yeah it is... I guess I'll have to change guster to something else. Either that or just take it off all ohether.
So a while back, someone (I believe it was Stevo) posted this and it got me thinking... so I say to myself, "Me, if I were to make one of those,...
Just finished watching Repo the Genetic Opera. Twas pretty good.
23, biatch. Why in the **** are people speeding through the game instead of taking time to enjoy it?
Doesn't change my opinion of it.
They're gold, not yellow.
Yeah it's PC only... I haven't played the game yet but the idea of safe houses in a zombie survival game seem kind of redundant. I mean the game...
I was going to go with a tri-monitor setup but then I got a laptop.
[img] In 9 days I'll have a blank slate. Oh btw... that's a 27 in. monitor. Quick question though... Should I get rainmeter or theme patcher...
Well I mean I would have pursued it further if it were that important so yeah...
Sorry man... try asking TZ I guess.