No problem, I got three guest passes with the game and I really want to **** bitches up with my hammer... too bad they all have snipers and M16s.
it's actually pretty cool but it's really easy to get ****ed by a bunch of bandits like I did. "Are you friendly?" "Yessir" *head explodes* See...
are you interested in playing war z?
In short, I ****ing love it. Would have been cooler with purple and green, IMO but I guess that wasn't an option. Did you at least do some sort of...
I kind of forced myself at an attempt of an infantile map... it's pretty much putting tubes together on impact to make a map that's confusing as...
So... Umm... Not to be Mr. Buzz Killington... but will someone please explain to me why there are Call of Duty tendencies in a halo game?
Lvl 26 right now and I just killed jack's girlfriend
I just think that gun is hilarious
I just found the bane (due to my turtle paced progression through the game). Best gun ever.
Of games I don't yet have: Halo 4 Dishonored War Z or Day Z (I'm still deciding) Train Simulator 2012
[img] Random good deed of the day.
I just hope you can toggle the ability to pass the ball...
A valid point, but its not like I'm eating the constantly... More like one box to last a month once a year.
I'm still able to keep up with fire training so I don't think one cookie will hurt.
I don't think anything is comprable to thin mints girl scout cookies.
I say it was great but had flaws. I've seen a lot of things to hate in the halo 4 videos, though... like the ball passing in grifball... what a...
I think a semi-2D map on ravine where the pathways meet in that big hole would be pretty cool.
Well still, HAMSTER MAZE SLAYER MAP on impact. I haven't really been keeping up on the latest halo 4 [insert category here] news. Anyone care to...
Erosion is the space map, correct? If we're talking about the same thing, HAMSTER MAZE SLAYER MAP.