Yeah pretty much every line you see on the face except th glasses frames and the lips is vine charcoal. Edited by merge: Fixed the lips and,...
All I've done so far on the ear and nose is the outlines, no mapping or shading yet. I'm thinking of completely re-doing the lips because of how...
Huh... I guess that slipped my mind. I'll have to add some more definition and detail to that for sure. Possibly a couple of minute wrinkles and such.
Started back up with charcoal again and I do believe my skill in it has improved quite a bit since my last attempt... Critiques and suggestions...
Yeah I need at least enough for a full game on that list in the blog. Just apply in the blog if you're interested.
Welcome to the hub. Hope to see you around the forums sometime soon!
Just fill out the application on the blog. I'll be doing games with all of the applicants to build up a roster for either the spring or summer...
Would you be interested in forging a map idea I had for grifball with a twist?
BEE TEA I NEED YOU [sub]for grifball[/sub]
Much obliged.
Due to current fire department and school commitments, I won't be able to actively participate until may or so, although, I would like to be...
So wait... I'm severely confused at the moment. Do I have to apply or am I already in?
I don't have any characters with more than 20 hours so I can't make the clan yet.
ForgeHub Enforcers
I might invite a couple of extra people but I'll have to monitor who is let in. I've also got a couple of guns if you need one.
Yeah I'll make it tonight.
So yeah... talk to me on skype if you want to do a video on War Z. I've got a couple guest keys and I guess I'll just follow you around in the video.
Just got the game, died half an hour in after being killed by a bunch of bandits... it kind of went like this: Bandit: "Are you friendly?" "Are...