Because he is secretly this man.
That did kind of irk me but I didn't let it bother me much. Twas still an epic movie.
Here's an idea for your gimmick. Piano, ukelele, slap bass, and violin. Best band ever.
Call it me hoping for one then.
^ What he said. Edited by merge: [spoiler]
I'd wear that, for sure. It's got humor AND morals. If you're looking for things to add, I'd say a tiny bit of background color to go along with...
That's what I've been trying to do lol... I've been searching both here and with people I know from school and such... no such luck as of right...
Once we get the GDD written and some concept art finished, we can do a video for kickstarter and possibly be able to get some money involved in...
Hopefully and there is no guarantee of pay for anyone unless sales are made.
┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
From the one test we did where you completely raped me 3:1, I have to say, rockets and shields are just not doing it for me. It may just be my...