Does anyone remember tesla ,Pepperidge farms remembers Got raped by a crate
I'm thinking of a 2 fort Remake (from Tf2) any suggestions
I think it would be great if there was a forge map playlist for ranked and social Added as a rotating playlist
But still let's be thankful 343 did not tell Us to go screw ourselves
I'm Ready to chew bubblegum and kick ass
Thank Christ
[MEDIA]My reaction to this
Thought terrorist hunt was fun too
Not to the halo 4 noobs who preordered halo 5
High ground Damn good memories
I would be thinking no one would agree with me on this so far 2 people did I was not expecting this
At least you totally Didn't disagree with me
I think it would be cool if they bought firefight back maybe we can make our own firefight maps like you can set enemy spawns like grunt spawns...
I'm talking about causal play
Really because people never really pto
What if tesla did make it
my name is bad don't have to say it
I am hosting a game night fri or sat anyone interested it will be a mix of forge maps on h2a