Ah, the typical debate newb. Comes in a striking note with what seems to be amazing evidence for his cause, and then attacks his contenders with...
No. 1. Ctrl + F the US Constitution here, be sure the search terms are "separation of church and state", there is no result. In fact, the word...
So you want it to be erased on future printed money?
Well then, it be helpful if you included that in the original post. On that condition.. I don't know. Do the stereotypical guitar or drums,...
Piano, very basic and easy to learn, works for starters and experts alike. Lots of song selection and everywhere you go someone will probably have it.
I hated the ending. As with Matty, I would've much preferred the world blowing up or something.
An i7 is 4 cores, not 8 CPU's... rofl Oh, and don't put your fan speed on 100. Your GPU will die faster then you like. Personally, mine idles...
New update on it just popped up as well. I'll be fulfilled so long as I get it within a few hours from now, really. I might actually play one of...
Most definitely. Being gone for a few days really ignites that urge.
Totally. I went on there and saw 4 notifications, sad because I couldn't see them. I hope no data is lost.. or for that matter the website is up...
Using FH... lolz
PC version has more content... if you prefer PC go for it, can run smoother then the Xbox depending on your specs and possibly at an even higher...
I am really digging this layout. I don't post on previews much at all, if at all, but this one caught my eye. This is the kind of layout I love...
Based off this paragraph alone I almost find it ironic that you proceed to state how Christians act regarding to their faith yet you say you don't...
Why is it only non believers? There's a lot I find wrong here. Why can't I say the exact same thing for atheists? Also, since when are all...
I wouldn't lock it. This thread is practically the all encompassing religion/deity thread. I'd almost go to the extent that this thread...
Why's that?
I approve of this post.
.. Snap merging? http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/74512-teardrop-merging-revisited.html