Ah... he deleted it. sadfaic
Is that really you in the spoiler? If it is, I tip my hat off to you.
Read Genesis, this isn't true. The bible doesn't say anything about blaming Adam or Eve, it merely shows that both were punished. @Greatjedi7:...
Unless they pull another Left 4 Dead 2.
Going to take off some of my workload in order to watch House... its an awesome monday.
Haha looking at the image I already somehow knew it would be inspired off of the BG I posted a stock for... I really like it though! Its good,...
Buying my Plantronics and Razer products today... its a good monday
A monday like every other one... didn't want to wake up and its boring so far, probably will be for the rest of the day.
Why'd you have to get yourself banned, m' good sir?
I think someone just did it for the hell of it, really.
What the hell? 656,126 profile views?
Happy late birthday
Shrodinger's cat? There is a minor flaw in your statement. To sum it up, it must be a conscious observer, not just any.
For those looking for walls, I highly recommend 4walled.org Ever since 4scrape went permanently down, I've been looking for a replacement. Looks...
It makes perfect sense, and its a universal term. I'm not saying the name shouldn't be ghost merging, but I do think no clip would make much...
The main issue I have with this LP is that the top of the cliff is blurred, and the size of the jumper in contrast to the cliff, and his location....
You started the most recent thread, so I could only assume.
Are the FH Favorites dead..?
This is prone to be not true. After doing investigation the other night, I have managed to find that 241 (around here) is the object limit. This...
You didn't add foobar... :(