Yeah... onboard video cards suck big time. You'll have to get an actual dedicated video card to run the game well. Oh, and Nvidia is sucking major...
Usual Monday.. Then House.
Run > type in 'dxdiag' > go to display tab That's your graphics card. Its probably the main reason for it not working but let us know anyway.
Money. $150 USD or more would do me well. There really is a ton of **** that I want, but most of I can easily hold out on.
OH GOD... I got the Digital Deluxe Edition last night.. and I'm in love. Runs like butter on my computer at completely max settings (AA included)....
I wonder what ran through their heads when they made High Ground.. pure genius.
Left 4 Dead 2 will earn my money when its on a sale on Steam. As for Assassin's Creed 2, it looks to be a borrow or rent.
Good to know
House is on in 20 minutes Not sure if your post is sarcastic or not, but I will assume the former
I'd go with Louis, Nick, Coach and Bill.
No problem. Thanks for the heads up.
You really have to think of Modern Warfare 2 in retrospects to Halo 2, and its limited customs variation. I suppose MW2 provides a little bit less...
Wasn't interested in this at all, until I saw a gameplay video. Quad Core support for PC's, yes! A friend of mine also has it for the PC, and he...
How might one create the type of avatar you've been making for folks? I have Photoshop CS4 Extended, so software should not be a limitation....
They totally ****ing ruined it for the PC. Oh well, makes the choice easier. Going to buy it for the PS3. I'm sold. [img] This is for PC, btw,...
Decent monday. I am hoping House is actually on tonight, rather than being displaced with "so you think you can dance".
This dude is posting threads with porn.. ban? Forge Hub - View Profile: TheDarkKnight05
No problem, I never use my minutes.
I'm doing it. Will edit with result. Done, enjoy.
Good day. Little work and House tonight. Going to just relax, first monday in weeks I get to chill.