Simply amazing. All the sloped ceilings make what would have been a very ordinary-looking map a very extraordinary one. Definite download.
That's pretty awesome. I'd never consider doing it, though. I'm not down with piercings.
You win, sir.
That's ingenious. I'm sure that, with this game as an influence, a lot of people will start taking advantage of that eye.
Siberian Huskies rule. I want one, but my cat has problems with getting along with other pets. It took her a year to get used to our chocolate...
Whoo! 1.24! I'm totally l33t.
A clip/noclip check box and a immobile/mobile check box (allows items to remain floating if immobile is on and the item is let go of mid air) in...
Regular person + internet anonymity = dickwad. It's a scientific fact.
Hating on the Bio Rifle? You, sir, fail at everything forever.
Super Paper Mario. Got it recently, discovered that it's like sex in a Mario form. Creepy as that may be...
Any Colour You Like - Pink Floyd (3:25)
It sounds like a hell of an endeavor, but it is possible. I doubt it'll achieve full FPS functionality, especially if it's intended to be an...
Oh, it'll work. I do that a lot (so much that I have a shortcut to that file in a more accessible location), and I've never had any problems with...
America doesn't suck. It's still a hell of a lot better than a lot of places that many parts of the world think are... Well, places that the world...
Lol. You win for right now.
Mine have a one week minimum. Of course, time spent is not equal to quality.
No, my tag was Archem. Close enough, though, right? I came with a friend (Tork232), and we played a small game of about 3v3. I believe it was a...
Hey, I recall testing on this a while ago. Was not fond of the gameplay.
Hardcore Tactical Weekend. Games are designed with high damage, long or no respawns, SMG start, shields w/o regen (to act as a health indicator)...
I was wondering the exact same thing. Can wee see some more of the map?