Looks pretty nice. Keep up the good work.
Looks sweet, but I'm almost certain I would break that map by accident. :\
Goodness... I'm not sure if this is a bad joke or not...
While it does have a very offensive back story (not to me personally), it does look really fun... If it is a rip-off of a previous map/game,...
Looks cool. 4/5.
Looks great! Downloading.
Hmm... Something's fishy here... Either you stole this map or someone stole this map from you. Not trying to start anything or insinuate that...
Looks cool. I could never play this with my friends, though, since it seems to be rather devoid of killing.
Looks like sex. Good job.
Power weapons: Don't overuse them. They lose their value, make staying alive harder than it needs to be, and make weaker weapons feel pointless....
Oh, it's splendid. Well, I guess you'll have time to contemplate murder now...
Sucks. I discovered that any time I have a power surge or if I pull the plug on my Xbox when it's on, I get RRODed. Then I just unplug it, plug it...
Kind of hard to tell what you were saying there half the time, but it's nice to see something about things in Oblivion this far after the game's...
Tough choice. I have both, and I love my Wii. I'm not as hot on the 360, since so many of the games on it are also readily available on the PC,...
I found two. :(
Well, I'm almost finished with the campaign (although the mission I'm on is a real pain), and now that I've seen and done almost everything, I can...
Wow, looks amazing. Love the "pipes".
Well, It's nicely executed, but I hate the level.
The same can be said of the Spike Grenades, minus the blue part. Looks interesting, but what if the zombie falls off? Is there a grav lift or...