That looks very nice. The lighting and the position is good, the only thing is I don't really like the armor choice. Overall though, very nice...
I'm gonna wait a week, Halo Wars just isn't my type of game and one week is nothing. I'd rather save the money and wait the week over buying a...
Those are some really nice screenshots, you seem to know how to make a quality shot. The effects and lighting are really good and every screenshot...
A lot of those movies look pretty good, especially Watchmen. I didn't know they were making a new Transformers, that could be cool. I'll probably...
The cape that you made looks really nice and it seems good on the first one but on the second one it looks way off. The lightsaber looks better in...
That looks really nice, it has to be one of the best and most original shots I have seen. The coloring and all the effect look great. Really great...
Very nice recap Vorpal, I like your captions. I'm sadfaic I couldn't make it to this TGIF but my friend borrowed my disc so I had to sit it out....
Castle Crashers definitely. It is one of the games I play the most along with disc games like Gears and Halo.
I have around 4,000 myself and I got the game for christmas so I'm still playing it and getting my kills up. I'm not sure what the "cheap way" is...
I agree with orange here, the noscopes were nice but the overcasthalo thing popped up three times which was a bit annoying but the actually video...
That's pretty good, the base looks a little too big though. The shot is very creative and looks exactly like a trophy straight out of smash bros....
I just bought Castle Crashers with my microsoft points from Christmas and I can't believe it took me this long to buy it. I'd heard a lot about it...
That's a pretty nice screenshot. I like the glowing blue of the background, It looks great. The angle of the rocket is kinda weird though. Overall...
I guess that's a pretty cool find and it looks pretty realistic. It is nasty though, but I guess it's good. I really don't know how to respond...
1. The Dark Knight 2. Iron Man 3. Hancock 4. Step Brothers 5. Wall-E 6. Get Smart That's in no specific order but all those movies were good. The...
That's pretty cool dude. You timed it perfectly and it looks exactly like he's running on the wall. Nice shot, pretty original.
I'm really glad this finally got featured. I played it a couple of weeks ago in Vicious Voce's party and it was really fun. The idea is great and...
Wow, that looks really nice. The yellowish green glow works really well with your choice of armor. Really nice shot man.
That's epic, you can play all those awesome classics... On the go! I want on.
It's a pretty cool machine but it's nothing special. The ball being the I was cool but the rest was just Ok. Adelyss and Goat's was really well...