I would like some help with a couple of things. First, some general knowledge about GIMP. The best graphic I have ever made is in my sig and it...
Yeah, this is the first collab I've done and I think it turned out pretty good. If anyone ever wants to try it just send me a message, I really...
Thanks, I guess I'll make another version that is just the first part and post that in this thread too.
omg i posted pyncusion, post nao its in minigame maps
Thanks, that was one of the main things I wanted to do, take two minigames and put them into one map.
Thanks for the comments guys, I've never been great at screenshots, just trying it out.
Thanks! I just couldn't quite figure it out. Thanks for clarifying.
This might seem like a retarded question but I don't know what file extension I have to save my GIMP as to get it to upload to imageshack....
[img] [img] [img] These are my best shots IMO, I hope you like them! Not on my file share so here's my gallery gallery
During the week, I usually have a bowl of cereal, a glass of oj, and a fruit of some sort. On the weekends, I usually eat something like pancakes...
Rick's BDAY? Nice I see a national holiday in the near future. Nice, happy rick day every body!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OrfmaIMezIc Really catchy song IMO, not one of the who's most well known songs but still one of the best.
Yeah, that definitely sounds like fun. If I was driving down the road and I saw that I'd lol. I don't know how to hack stuff though so it'll only...
That's really neat. The lighting and effects look really good and the shot is cool. It looks like those blue things in the back are giant eyes...
I dislike school for how boring it is and how much stress it puts on me but I know it's important so I deal with it. But it'd be great just to sit...
Crap, it's really cold everywhere. I'm in NJ and it's 23 F (without windchill, 15 with) and I thought that was cold but I'm seeing a lot of below...
That's a pretty nice shot, I like the color and the pose of the spartan. It looks cool and epic. Great job.
That's a very nice map, everything is smooth and flows nicely and the curves were made expertly. It's a fun map to race on and it doesn't get...
All of these surprised me. I never thought of Guitar Hero and Rockband as xbl games and there were a whole lot of demos pretty high up. UNO was...