Turbulence Created by Orphanslayer92 DOWNLOAD TURBULENCE Base Map: Sandbox Time Spent Forging: Around 20-25 hours Gametypes Supported:...
Hi Damon
Welcome to the forums Meeky. As for your question, as of now, there are know known ways to beat this individual object limit (someone correct me...
I played this the other day, if I recall correctly, I was in a party with you. The map played very well and the aesthetics are great two. It...
Hey Insane, can I get a name change to Orphanslayer92 please? I asked Nitrous 3 days ago and he never responded.
Would you mind changing my username to Orphanslayer92? I got my gt changes and want my username to be the same. Thanks.
Congrats on another feature Doog Nit! I really like this map, it is one of the better that I have played on Sandbox. I really like the layout and...
Your map looks very nice, the interlocking is virtually flawless and the map as a whole is very clean.I don't think it would play the best though,...
Call of Duty 2 then Need for Speed Carbon. Got them at the same time as my xbox, but I don't play either anymore.
This map looks amazing, one of the most creative I've seen. I really like how you used the tin cups to make the ground grassy. It looks great. The...
Sweeny did an epic job making it convincing.
Yeah, see you there tommorow, it turned out to be a joke. Oh well, I left the site truly a month ago. I've had 20 posts over 2 months.
It's all a joke
I know, I've seen it before, I'll join tom, cause even if this is a joke, I'm leaving fh for everything but posting maps.
Or the site will not be ****ed up
I agree sir U r smart
Personally, I like the first game better. The second game is cool but there are some drawbacks. If you are playing with people who either don't...
Yeah, we wanted to make it honor rule free but we couldn't quite figure it out. Thanks to the very small amount of you that commented :\
As one of the many users he on the forum, I have never thought once that the staff were corrupt. At times, I would not like an infraction that I...
That is a very good screenshot. I like the way that the background and the spartan contrast. The golden glow around the spartan also looks very...