I've previously predicted that ME3's plot would be a matter of gathering allies to team up and fight the Reapers, as well as probably finding some...
@Waylander You're making it seem like the objects on that list are the only visually interesting ones in the game. There are plenty remaining...
Best first post ever.
I don't think there should be any argument that the AR was ridiculous in ME1 compared to any other gun. Pistols with the right mods could get...
Sucks about Walshy. I wasn't following MLG in his Halo 2 glory days, so I pretty much only know him as Halo 3 Walshy. The guy who received an...
Don't play splitscreen.
Thanks for the reminder to get this DLC. I would've forgotten about it completely what with all the Reach update excitement yesterday.
Wow I can't believe I never posted this here. I could've sworn I did. Anyway, this map is now in the MLG playlist as one of the third slot...
Cool review, thanks. You touched on a lot of things I'm already aware of, and a couple things I hadn't yet considered. If/When I decide to...
I don't think there are "impossible" placings. If there were, it would not be a very fair tournament format imo. You can lose early and then...
I should probably study some brackets before making my predictions to win the event. For all I know SQ and Invictus face each other in the same...
Invictus and SQ to both place top 4, but nether to win. Instinct to win it. Nexus to experience standoffs that would make The Pit blush (sorry...
Warming up via firefight, as mentioned, is good. Random tidbit of advice that I don't know where I picked up is to count your shots. Something...
What's it mean when you dream that Darth Vader is paying you to capture stray cats?
Grats Pulse. Pretty sure this makes you the champion of MLG forging.
I like Cast Away. Hanks does a great job with the basically one man show that the movie is, and the script still manages to be engaging even...
So is it true that Condemned has some significant screen lag while looking through the doors to the middle room?
Obviously the number one thing is that the maps has to look like something people want to play. It also helps to make friends within the...
thanks :)