I don't pretend to be an expert on fighters. I don't even play them, I just pick up stuff in my wanderings through the internet. I do know that...
It's not an even parallel though. Twitch aiming ability paired with strafing to throw off your opponent's aim and at the same time predicting...
Difficult but necessary combos in any game are absolutely retarded, fighters included. The controls should help you accomplish what you want to...
It's completely reasonable to want bullets to fly straight where you shot them so that winning or losing a fight is completely under your own control.
Yup. They're gonna be playing it in Anaheim.
Yeah... the only competitive gametypes in Reach start everyone with DMRs so I have no problem with this. If you have a problem with this, it's...
Isn't that video a modded Sword Base file because weapon data is built into the maps instead of the gametypes or some other modifiable part of the...
Which came out in 1994.
Are you sure you like comedy? Bridesmaids was absolutely excellent.
Making them both what? I'd like to be clear that I'm talking about the AR too btw. If the precision guns are going to get buffed (be it by...
Only things this update needs to do are completely change armor lock, up the kill speeds with the default spawn weapons, and fix screen lag...
That seems about right. It's simpler than the OP's method, yet both methods seem to me to be more complicated than they need to be. Maybe it's...
Getting rid of the bump is definitely the point. It's just that getting rid of the bump does not necessarily require making the walls perfectly...
That was Halo 3, but we can infer that Reach functions the same. Their updates with the new forge have made it quantize to a more accurate...
No, you just let it do the rotation, then move it up/down and move all of the other things that are supposed to line up with it up/down so that...
I don't think you did... Basically that was just instructions for working with the rotation. It does nothing to actually reduce or prevent the...
Use 45 degrees instead of 90 degrees and you won't see things flipping out so much when you grab them. And you can't prevent these objects from...
What is it about?
If you're worried (as I am) that this site might be logging the email addresses searched for malicious purposes, you can search part of an email...
lol yeah, Andy Samberg is awesome.