That was better criticism than I expected. I know what to do with the soft kill zones, do you really think I should keep the turrets on the map?...
I can't send you a PM but, [spoiler]Your name is Remington[/spoiler]
Interesting theme you have going on here. Love the forge pallet choice you use, fits in with the abandoned feel it has. I'll give this a DL.
Real-Life Anime - YouTube
Good god, this looks like ****.
I did the same exact thing in Halo 3, only with Private Chat instead of a FR.
Grazie è crepi!
Interessante! Sto prendendo una classe d'italiano in liceo, sono in mio anno secondo.
Tu sei italiano? Perche si dice siete da Italia.
I think P Vision is a good idea since you have no radar. I can see it working just as well as radar would. But THIS is an awesome idea. I miss...
Okay, THIS is really cool. Even though its just open space, it reminds me of the Ridgeline glitch. I'll have to look at this spot whenever possible.
The only reason they would already make Halo 5 now is because of the new Xbox being released next year.
My friend told me that they're coming in a future update (although the exact update is unknown).
Flood is Infection, although much more restricted. I'm waiting for them to open up to more customization before I play it. I agree, they...
I never said your map was terrible.
Halo 4 was a birthday present?
Just add the $ values in. The number unit isn't really all that confusing.
Just as an FYI, I don't think you can regularly place weapons down in Flood mode, otherwise they won't appear. I've seen someone use ordinance...
Happy birthday!