I salute you for making this. CA could have done a better job than what they did in Reach. They had all this perfect stuff in Reach, what was the...
This. If someone remade one of my maps without asking for permission, I personally wouldn't care, but this is definitely not true in most cases....
My opinion pretty much stays with Insanmiac. If this has a similar feel to LSIALM I'm sure this will be fun to play. Can't wait until it's...
H4FM - Best of the Dead Contest Results! (Custom Flood Maps) - YouTube Guess your "secret" project isn't that secret anymore :3
For me Recon feels the most traditional to Halo. I can't imagine CoD controls in a Halo game. But yeah, as Nutty said, all the new implementations...
Station pieces aren't always a bad thing. Its just that when you use them improperly they can be bad. You could turn magnets on and go to town...
I'm guessing that this was a remake of the same map in Reach? I really like the forge pallette choice, I'm always looking for 1v1 maps to play...
I hope this doesn't mean 343i is closing the servers for Halo 3.
I have a map I was procrastinating on for a while now, and I put it on my file share just in case anyone wants to DL it (although its not really...
happeh birthdaey
The campaign in Far Cry 3 is waaaaaaaaaaaay better than it was in Far Cry 2. I played Far Cry 2's campaign for about half an hour then gave up...
If this does eventually become a forging contest, I am more than interested in participating. I'm not sure if I'll be able to make the deadline...
I think I'm the only one who is against Covenant forge pieces. With the curved texture on them, it would be very hard to align them properly...
I better be invited to the party at Chuckee Cheese's for your 6th birthday.
You said in the Origin of Your Gamertag thread that the first 3 letters of your name were REM, so I searched for it and found Remington as the...
A Sandbox-type map would be great. If different pieces had different individual skins the resulting map would look like ****. I do wish they went...
Far Cry 3 Assassin's Creed 3 Clothes Candy Some device that turns your shaving cream warm Ted A stuffed Ted And this: [IMG]
Is it the same for Ravine and Impact?
His voice when he was younger made me want to kill myself. Today I just don't give a **** about him, but I can say I like the background and...