ty [IMG]
u made me a sig a while back and i can't get it onto my sig... so can u send me the img & url code!?
sorry it took me a while to reply it awsome tysm!!! can u send me the img code & url ... + Rep
Here i gotta request!,Render:OverlordColour theme: Firey, and evil looking... really evil looking.Text: JHawk 117 in blood looking text!!if you...
yh ty
*Render/Character: Planet Renders // Renders - Video/Console Game Renders/Timeshift*Name: JHawk 117Style: Dark and evil *Color Scheme: bloody and...
No! The Marathon wearing spartan i rectrieved off of Google Image search and the animation and background i made Unless you can prove it i am...
[IMG]Yh As I have never made a animated signature I used youtube guidance i used this video:-...
That Interlocking must have taken ages. the center platform looks !!!!!!!!!AMAZING!!!!!!!!! the man, cannons leading to the platform are pretty...