Lol, glad you could build a map around my switch (: Just one thing, like they said, the wall above the door, you need to extend it, I didn't...
When you get really into lining up an angled interlock (stacking up things so that it is lined up perfectly w/ the right angle) Then you start...
And I said that... just make sure that the teleporter field large enough so that even with trying to move you fall into it... Or just have 2...
Buddha crane, I like the second part of your idea, but for the first part. I was thinking that the starting points for the team is over a...
Just make your hallway with a slit in the top the size of 2 dumpsters. Put a weapon holder with a grav lift in it hovering above the said...
Click This that is mastar's map where he has an open double box with 2 grav lifts laying inside of it. The grav lift's effects go below it too,...
will it still place them even if you hit the item limit? If so, we may have found a new way to bypass that limit
It probably could be made, what do you mean. Either make a thread here for help, join our newly made switch help group created on FH (Forge Hub...
And that is exactly what I just said is practically impossible to make, the grav lift always stays in the top weapon holder, good luck making it...
Many people have tried to do this, it is extremely hard to do, at H3A we have only had one case of this working... We have tried to use this...
Try adding a longer route along the outside edge of the cave, it would be much safer but take way more time to travel in order to get to the flag....
It is your lucky day, a month ago I completely mapped out this idea and started a thread about it at H3A, I think someone made it but I haven't...
Where is it not smooth where you want it smooth? Do you want it smooth to walk onto from the foundry floor, or is it uneven, what?
If I were to name a map, I would go to and look up words that describe your map, then pick a cool sounding one. Example:Chamber...
I was thinking of making a battlefield map (no way... its halo idiot...) where I would have two small buildings partly destroyed by war. There may...
I don't think you are TOO harsh in the critiquing, your just exaggerating the poor aspects of it. Also, even if the creator of the map completely...
Wouldn't the teleporters down below defeat the purpose? I mean, if you can get to BOTH bases from the ground, what is the point of doing the...
Anything posted on H3a, anyone here can use, just go to our website and look at it. And yea, this has been done, just go browse our forums, it is...
kk done
Hey, can you get it posted on FH first, it makes it much easier for people to use. Since pics and DL links are right there in one scroll down page...