Actually I would really like to see the sizes of the small and tiny bricks on Sandtrap (the two movable ones).
Yea, Swordscar discovered it more than 6 months ago, I don't remember if he posted it on FH or not, it is on H3A though
You can make grav-lifts continuously spin in a circle
How is it unoriginal... Read his first thread... "The walls/boxes/everything else is crooked and sloppy. I'm sorry and don't mean to be rude but...
Do you idiots even read the text in posts... Notice the bolded part, he was showing a ROUGH OUTLINE, to see if we liked the LAYOUT not every...
^^ Wrong, you could make this on rats nest, the single open boxes there can move. I had problems with that when I made a map on it. But after...
Solution: Ammo Respawn=NEVER Have a trail of ammo all the way to the ending, they will have to stay on the trail, or else they will run out of...
that doesn't allow for players to CHOOSE where they spawn then... Good concept, but I think we can still improve it
I would say put an overhang over each teleporter into the "ring" (where hills are) in order to prevent a team to have 4 ppl with snipers, 1...
Black Theorem, did you even read the title... It is a caption game... As in you post a caption for a picture. Since the arbiter was eating...
He is obviously lying, it takes like 20 secs just to make 1 building...
For me being Covi, I usually start w/ 2 supply, 1 hall, and the temple... this will allow a nice amount of resources and the ability to make...
You can easily fix you problem and just use one rotating gravlift that pushes it out and into range. I had thought about this idea before, but...
I realize that, but you can't just alternate the grav lifts depending on what one you blow up. Example. GL X is placed 1st and Y is placed 2nd....
no, the grav lift placed first has priority, if you destroy it, that one will just respawn, not the other one
it changes the game render. Instead of seeing a normal warthog, you will see one with flame details on it, if you're playing online, you will see...
[img] I would like to direct your attention to the little light in the sand on the top left of the pic. That resembles one of those indicators on...
Ok, place both vertical double boxes with a bouble box in between. []=[] then place the top DB centered between them. The other boxes are 45*,...
Use Juggernaut, it is basically FFA VIP...
If you really want a good ramp go below the map with a fully geoed wall corner and hold it up (the wall corner) where you want the bottom of the...