Can I steal your SC2 then?
You got in on the SC2 Beta!?!?!?!
See... multiple of 4. What did I say. :D
AP Tests are that week. :/ But that means after that I will have 0 classes to worry about. :p
Sorry dude, Forgehub doesn't really know about OVERBOARD! as much as XF. :/
It was a good idea, but if you look, the icon in the bottom left (we are presuming the jetpack charge) is going down, then he cuts the boost and...
I can guarantee that it won't happen. First of all, the AI is hard enough to program as they are right now. If you could make your own FF maps,...
...None of them defended deranking... they all asked why you blamed America... or suggested to blame France. Next, people will ALWAYS exploit...
My rank should be higher :/ Rank: 33 Sensitivity: 10
9v9 is still even teams, and the increase in players wouldn't be anything big. You bring up a good point though. See, but if it went to 18,...
Why would it be 9v9? Is 18 divisible by 4? I didn't think so. I say 5 xbox hookup for 10v10.
Yea, when making this we tried to make sure that the gameplay was as interesting as possible. Every game we find ourselves using different...
Did you fix the firebombs?
Same concept. If you do something religiously, it means that you are devoted to it and care about it. Rigorously is lots of testing. Same thing...
Thanks for the amazing feedback everyone. We have tested this map religiously for the past few weeks making positive that it would be as balanced...
It may be past those simple problems guys, When time glitch was working on Agents, he came across a problem that got rid of sentinel beams no...
Dual Monitors :p [IMG]
Yes you can, just don't use the default bomb setting. Go to "Attrition Bomb." It has that setting built in.
No, I meant young as in new. I would be happy to help you write some of your guides, once XF is back up I can link you to my 2 guides I have...