Yeah, I really like Strongside. He should give up on SQ, would be cool if he teamed with Karma and Naded. Maybe with Ace or Tensor or Tetra Shot....
lol, SQ lost to Classic. I fell sorry for Strongside...
He will only spawn at the gametype you select. For exemple, you put a wall to be asymmetric. The wall will only spawn in games such as one bomb...
You can change the weapon set if it falls in a different category. But there are only 2: symmetrical or assymmetrical.
CORRECTION You hate 95% of people playing SWAT.
Couldnt agree more. But Brutes in ODST seems to be more bad ass.
I used to play as Elite (ascetic), but now I play Spartan ODST. ODST FTW!
Maybe it is a FPS more massive, like 60 people in a map killing each other.
It was THE BEST FFA map!!! If people ask me whats the strongest point of Midship I would say FFA.
I clearly remember bungie saying its 4 hours.
Midship = best Halo map ever.
Yeah, but I think we should take into consideration other aspects such assists, team work and going for objectives. That said, when Legit is on...
Ok, I've listed some intersting facts about Halo: ODST - No shield bars, ODST have a life bar instead. - No radar, but have a special night...
By the way, I dont know if anyone already posted it: YouTube - Halo 3 ODST GAMEPLAY REAL,REAL GAMEPLAY BY JOE STATEN(NO SCAM)(E3 GAMING EXPO)E3...
What about the Halo: CE Pistol??! THAT was unstoppable! I'll love ODST. I doubt it will kill in 3 shots, but its accuracy may be the factor...
Am I the only one who thinks Recon armor is ugly? My favorites still are Mark V and Hayabusa and Mark V (the classic).
Epic. MLG gametypes are stupid? They can be boring, yes. But stupid is Bungie gametypes. I can't understand how you play Pit Slayer, the stupiest...
VIDEO ADDED, Capture by HK_Trammell: Archmage Gameplay Video - Halo 3 Game - MLG Game...
Remember: Its Xbox Live, it will lag, your shots wont be registered some times and you cant do nothing about it. Except maybe buying a crazy good...