The BEST Foundation remake done so far. Its may be not as beautiful as Excavation, but its WAY better forged. You my friend, have some good...
Wow, great map man! I wish bungie make maps like these. It remind me Narrows, but a way cooler Narrows. PS: a list of weapons would be good....
I love Guardian styles map, and your seems to be very well forged. I would prefer the lights to be closer to their base, to make them...
I wish I could use the Arbiter armor...
Seems good, I'll try out. By the way, there are any Frag or Plasma grenades?
Seems to be good, MAYBE the best done yet. There is one very good that participated in the Forgotten Treasure contest, I'll download yours and...
Center bridge is really good, better than the rock in the original BC. Now, the map may be quite limited because you cant jump above the bases,...
You've got to be kidding me. How the hell they found out this?
Feature now!!!11!!!1!!one!!1! Ok, now seriously, first, its too crowded, delete all the barrels and some other stuff. Second, too many weapons...
Before anything, take your pictures in So they wont be in this colossal size. Second: Cerulian reminds me Pokemon......
Its seems good but we need more pictures. Also, the map seems to be breakable, isnt it? And I think a regenerator in the health kit place its...
I've done the map using OLN Sandbox canvas. I may still have the map incomplete... or i deleted it some weeks ago... dont know. Electron was...
I know, I did notice that too, it happens on my map as well. While I appreciate your appreciation (?) for my map, Electron does have its unique...
I know, I'm just saying that in my personal opinion, they all should have played less passive to win. Anyway, it was a great game.
Thats a lie. Pistola was doing exactly what SK was telling him to do. Every time Pistola went to FB side of the map, SK told him to back up. He...
I really like TD, I wanted them to win, but considering that last season TD was by far the most inconsistent team, second place is an EXTREMELY...
They are copies I guess, I you have to have your xbox "hacked" for this games to work. The cool thing is that a xbox 360 hacked plays ALL xbox 1...
Are you paying +25 dollars for different colors? And buying online is my only way to buy xbox things. I live in Brazil, here, the a Xbox...
Amazon sells Xbox Controller for 35 dollars. The campaign isnt long, but if the firefight is as cool as I imagined, dammit its worth it. Its...
Finally, I was going to make a Sanctuary remake because we didnt had anyone REALLY good. Its good that you are making one. Seems very good. You...