Now, here is a good example of what do not work. Blackout Br3. It's higher than S3, bigger, have plenty of cover. You can put your entire team...
Yeah, I'm also worried about S4, it may be just too powerful. The whole point of S3 in Guardian for example is to be a powerful place to slay,...
Soooooooooo How the map is going?
I have to say, the maps is incredible, but have a few issues: 1. The middle. Really, just make it similar to Amplified. 2. Top Yellow. Too...
The guy that post the pics also said: 1- The BR is a single shot weapon and it is very powerful at long range (maybe similar to H2?) => Everybody...
That's MAGE. You stole the map. He stole this map. I'm sure this is Mage the first warlock remade. Here it is:...
Or, you put any other weapon on the map so that people with low ammo drop the AR and pick up somethings that is actually useful. Like a BR =D....
Go play MLG, you may get some ideas...
I think it was worth it. Its really awesome. Some maps may be more beautiful, but when you play it, you see that they don't play quite well as...
Its going to be symmetrical. Now, 3 things: 1- The bottom mid should be closed where no pathways cross. This will create a place where...
You can do it anytime, as long as you have at least 2 objects of each left. If you don't, you don't really need to glitch EVERY object, just...
1- Its enclosed, but not a corridor. 2- Guardian was taken out from MLG for a reason. EDIT: please, take a picture of the map so far for me....
1- I think there is already a map with this name, Am I wrong? 2- Its seems awesome for 2x2. Respawn Mod would also be cool in the map. You...
I'm rarely host. Yes, if you want to be just an access a walled corridor would be the best option, but it would be also quite strange. Small...
Archmage Warlock remake Its the best one yet. Because I did it. ^^ Anyway, check it out please.
It's not a problem on the weekend. But during the week I work in the afternoon and have class at night (engineering by the way). So I usually...
Yeah, these are bad times for me, but I'll see what I can do.
I'm just saying, the bridges at first seems a little overpower too me. But to get a better idea I should take a look at the map. Are you going...
Onslauth is always dedicated because its only for CTF Lockdown is always neutral, because its only for Ball. Amplified is always neutral...
A "symmetrical Guardian" could work very well. First invent a good layout. Forge the map and place the spawns Then fix some areas for the...