lol k
Well, we were going to do it tonight... But I'm about to go to bed because I only got two and a half hours sleep last night... So we're thinking...
Notch said the first publicly playable version will be at PAX, and from there they'll just tweak a few things before releasing it. EDIT: ****ing...
90% chance that the Aether mod won't be integrated into the game. Don't worry, though, I can almost guarantee that with the 1.8 Adventure Update...
:O flr.
I just realized that it's July and you still have your Santa Hat on.
They can spawn in the real world next to nether gates.
I'm pretty sure that it's still going to just be 128 unless you mod it.
God of War is too little of a game, and too much of a movie for my liking. I'd say, go for Uncharted and Killzone. Those are both pretty decent...
For anyone that didn't already know/see this pic, It appears that in 1.8 Minecraft will have an EXP and Hunger system in it. (Also, the Modding...
Am jelly. I always try to find seeds like that but always end up with the normal rolling hills.
Should name it "Creepers Go Boom! A Minecraft Let's Play."
I bought the game a few years back. I'm also super excited that FASA is partnering with Bungie on Bungie Aerospace. I'm really hoping to see more...
I don't see why this is surprising... Maybe I just live in a town where more teenage girls like vidya than usual? Hell, I've even been convinced...
D: No more fear of being banned by Sarge? ForgeHub will never be the same.
You're totally going to end up buying just because your friends did... Like me and Blops.
Distribution of the actual Minecraft.jar is technically illegal... I'd reccommend you use one of the downgrade programs that people have put out...
Idc what any of you say. Kinect Adventures is ****ing amazing. Anyways, Microsoft is continually making the Kinect more and more sensitive. That...
Don't quote me on this, but I believe he said something about the Modding API coming out at the same time as 1.8, which should make it possible to...
Not to mention, just to put the patch through the certification process costs $25,000. Then if Microsoft says they need to tweak anything they...