Anyone else see the DRAGONS? That's 2 games now that I'm already in love with... Both of them have DRAGONS! YEAH! DRAGONS!
lessthanthree! Bloo is Bloo!
Planning on pulling another Crysis Beta?
Pinohkio, if I didn't love you already, I would now. Unfortunately that trailer doesn't tell much of a tale, but hey. It's FREAKING BORDERLANDS 2!...
Hahahahahahahahaha I loved how you had to do subtitles at the very end.
Ikr? fllr
Pshh... You totally made the 'HOMERSPC' EDIT: 1,111th post! :D
Wow. This thread has gone into a racial debate about fictional beings. I never thought this site could get this nerdy... Just... Wow... I'm not...
<3 fllr
My first character was an imperial and he was a freaking tank. I was using a 5 piece chameleon armor set (so I'm always invisible) in combination...
'You should change my title to 'Audible Errections' I'd love you forever... If I didn't already...
This. I'm working on my 3rd playthrough of Oblivion right now and I'm just saying to myself 'I WANT TO KILL A DAMN DRAGON!'
I love you...
The guy still makes videos, and in almost every video you see this thing and it's still working.
Both servers are awesome. Neither server will be an 'Official FH Minecraft Server.' Quitcha Bitchin, bitches. In other news, I'm gonna attempt to...
Bethesda's been all over that video, but I found a download link to it instead of a stream. Teh Vidyah
I'm pretty sure they confirmed that a few months back... Or was that the Thieves' guild?
Well, I've been gone camping for the past week. Oddly enough, I managed to get 1 bar on my phone. Thus, I checked twitter on my phone and read...
There is a glitch which can get you any acheivement. First, read the description for the acheivement. Second, perform the action described in said...