:O Name Change = So much win.
There's only one other person who held the world hostage by threatening to release information... He ended up getting tracked down and arrested by...
Limbo in a Spaceship with double-kick in the background... Looks cool, but I doubt I'll buy it. Hell, I didn't even buy Limbo... I just watched...
Am I the only one that noticed Vertical Redstone? Or is that already a feature of the game? It's at 1:40
No, just simply pointing out that the thread already exists and some people should use the search function before they start a thread.
I'm still going to wear my Orange Flame with pride.
Ahem... Just sayin'...
hahahahahahaha I love your sister, she manages to noob troll you so much. Anyways, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing some minecraft...
I honestly hope that it is more powerful than the Xbox or PS3. I would love to see Nintendo dominating the market again... However, it doesn't...
Immediately reminded me of Mayday Parade. Just because of that, my SOTD: YouTube - Mayday Parade Take This to Heart W/ Lyrics‏
I'm hoping there will be some sort of optimized server heirarchy that gets implemented in there so you can have private chests, anti-griefing,...
Their show was soooooooooooooo boring, though! They barely managed to catch my attention. And a lot of that was because I wanted to see if they...