It's actually aPKallum, FYI. And thanks! It was a great collaboration and was our first official co-forge release. We learned a lot from each...
For the love of lemons, it's aPK not APK. Get it right, n00b! Progress pics will be up soon. @Res Orientation was addressed big time,...
Cella v2 95% completed. Cella v2 is a co-forge with my pal Waldo the Lemon, and he has brought A LOT of great things to Cella. Release this...
Name me ONE route from BR Tower to Snipe Tower or vice-versa that isn't across Top Mid or Bottom Mid. Just one. Thank you for the encouraging...
Thanks for the kinds words. Regarding top-middle not having railings: It is an issue and I am trying my best to fix it. I guess you missed...
Cella Cella began as my first attempt ever at a floating asymmetrical map. Almost every time I started up a fresh new clean Forge World, I...
This, for now.
Honestly, at this point, the entire argument has degenerated to two sides putting their hands over their ears and just screaming their take on the...
What is all this I don't even... Um. Yea. Thanks for the very kind words and encouragement. Cleanliness is definitely one of my main...
By far the best BTB experience I've ever had, and it's a shame that modified content isn't allowed here when Bungie and 343 have supported modded...
This is the cleanest and most efficient Guardian I have seen yet. Great job!
This is what I told Hulter, but he's some kind of noob.
Cataract or die.
You were right in the sense that Tao is an Asian term haha. Taoism/Daoism is an Asian philosophy that originates in China that encourages people...
Um. So yea. I'll edit some blurb in here later. Downrush (2-4 players) A redesign of Downrush which was a map made by Pwnytar and sicfish...
Another Onslaught remake? Move on Max. Jesus.
Cartographer by Col Keller Azula by Ace
I'd suggest using Ramp Bridge, Larges where you have Brace Larges for walls. It would add color and efficiently uses a usually underutilized group...
Azula by Ace and Rorak Opal by Rorak and Ace Kalmaya by Paranoia
I don't think I've played on this one, despite having played on the others. I'll make sure to get on that and get you some feedback. Looks solid...