No more head nodding................. There is a God.
If you wanna Turntable later or by chance currently are let me know.
Calm down there. I never mentioned anything about the design or design approach. All I said was that he clearly made something special. So...
Huge congrats to you Mr. Redemption. Despite what other people will try to tell you and no matter how much **** people will say to you or behind...
Be active on it. I will give you great time under covers if you do. Noob.
I just realized that your either-or becomes more difficult if the attractiveness is equal for both the ****** guy and the **** chick. I am scarred.
MSP is a completely valid and respectable form of payment. I think you're just mad because you don't get mad friend requests like I do. Jealousy...
A mothafucking ninja. Swag me the **** out.
What was the price we agreed on for an Onslaught feature? And also did you say Paypal or MSP?
Just stopping by to say you're welcome for that FFA on High Ground. We tried our best to meet your demands and satisfy you.
It just dawned on me that you were so good at hiding in those H3 games since you have so much experience hiding from the cops. Because you're black.
Fine. I'd do the ugly ***** with the wiener. And I'd deepthroat the thing. Happy?
Can I be Assistant Regional Manager? Please Michael. Please?
Yea I asked Bloo Jay and Black Theorem before doing it and they said it would be fine. Thanks for the heads up <3 You clearly care about me and...
Your face is scary. Man, I am on fire.
Forge Forge forum has been up for a few days. You better sign up and be active. This one is ours.
Dude. Not cool. I legitimately jumped out of my chair. The thing is, I'm living in a dorm atm and I have my lofted bed above me. So this fresh...
Hey noob. There's gonna be a new forge forums. Make an account on The Halo Council - Latest News That's where the new forge forums will be and...