Halo CE | Downrush (by Ponytar and sicfish): Best 2v2 design I know of. Simple as that. Quake | qztourney7 aka Furious Heights: A tri-atrium map...
Hey I should be available to talk on Skype every weekday this week starting at around 5 pm central, excluding Wednesday. Try to catch me whenever...
[IMG] P.S. Good to see you forging again.
It's about damn time.
Don't you have like 4 FHFs? And afaik, Retroactive and Sequence are the only featured maps those four have. So one FHF, and two Features...
This list saddens me deeply. Solo XIII, Col Keller, Nexn, and ILevvi combine for a total of a whopping ONE FHF.
Ah you know, just being a mega based boss baller bro. You?
Skype. Do you have it? P.S. Miss chu <3
Wow I was totally just about to post the vid Matt just posted. Goddamn it.
ForgeHub Staff vs Halo Council Staff showmatch. Time and place.
I can't say much atm but Halo Council will have something very very very soon for forgers and gametesters. Open submissions for v8 test...
If you actually use "Core" for this map's name, I will snap both of your necks. Into thirds. Try me. I'm retarded though and can't get...
Happy burfday. /Confused Flamingo
Tokimonsta - The World Is Ours - YouTube
Lana Del Rey - Video Games (Live on Inas Nacht, Nov. 12, 2011) - YouTube
maxpierson's sounds on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free Specifically "Made in Heights' 'All The Places' REMIX" and the...
I think this classifies as harassment? Lawsuit coming your way.