Try to have common human courtesy on this site. mmk?
What? Your map and Rogue's are quite literally one in the same. If you think there is any difference between the two, then you obviously didn't...
I was going to spend 20 minutes refuting the OP. But this works too : D
"I just spent about 20 minutes typing up a response to Haris, only to realize that I had lost the internet connection somewhere along the way."...
It is your issue. If you care at all about your download count, you will edit your thread as soon as possible. People are not going to stand...
Humans should be given health that can withstand three hits from a Zombie. If you give them four or more hits, they would become tedious to kill...
Bottom post. Second reply. Your favorite type of play is the only one that should exist. Logic dictates that anyone who doesn't play Reach...
You are my favorite Infection forger.
Hey, congrats on becoming a Mod. So does this mean no more site updates?
I love you. Seriously, this is the most useful thing someone's posted here in a while.
What are you talking about?
Honestly, this is why we love you.
Which is my point. If you can't prove foul play, shouldn't you give it the benefit of the doubt?
"Guilty until proven innocent?" : /
Lyrics: NyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyan NyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyanNyan...
This should cover questions regarding individual gametypes.
why u no mor *****?
Try not to double-post maps anymore.
Well, put up accurate pictures if you want people to make accurate comments : P Anyways, the comment about the Brace, Large in the first picture...
Fixed. ; )