Sure. It actually sounds a lot more fun than just standing by waiting by for someone else to do all the work. Again, I have no problem with...
I'd love too. Assuming your not kidding, of course : )
Some people told you what you did wrong. Fix it. Link.
FFA Slayer is pure kill stealing, so it makes more sense to have TS for a 1v1. Trust me, you just need to play more MLG to get it.
I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but... None of your videos work : P
Next time you blatantly **** with our rules like this, you will most likely be banned. Take this as a kind of warning. And welcome to Forgehub.
No, don't do this. Giving people 0% damage in Reach will make it impossible to splatter enemies. I'm not really sure what Bungie was thinking...
I understand you were trying to do a nice thing, but your comment could easily be seen as spam. If you're trying to help a member, you should...
Go to your map, and fix it up. If you don't do this by tomorrow, your map post will be locked and you will most likely recieve an infraction....
Fix up this post. If you can't, a Mod will lock it for you.
Yes. But please, don't post about pictures unless you have links to help him out. Some people could consider this spam. As for the OP, I'm...
Your post isn't up to standards. Fix the following issues, or your post will be Locked. All map posts require at least one embeded picture or...
Games use something I like to call "sequence spawning". If you've ever looked closely at the begining of a game, you'd notice that people don't...