Hey is there any way for me to send you a private message? I really need to talk to a staff member about something.
Noticed you were having some trouble with an Infection map. This guide on map design by Insane should be a great jumping off point for design...
The last time I talked to you was a year ago. How's it been?
Paints, you did a really great job with this map. I feel like you should try to avoid some of the negative feedback this map is receiving. It...
Folks, you need to look closely at what xzamples is saying. The parts bashing MLG maps were surrounded in quotes. He was making a reference to...
I believe what he means is that you should just ditch the single staircase concept altogether. Rather, use smaller staircases linking to several...
You should try not to double-post maps. If you feel that it belongs in two categories, put it in whichever one best fit the map.
Fixed it for you.
I think your Gametype link is broken. It just sends me to the make a new thread page.
Hi could some one said to message you for green flames u might not give it to me but my gamertag is: xxxxXxXxxxxSNIPEERxxxxx
The first idea seems highly unfeasible. It would be almost impossible to tell a decent story through Forge mode while making that story playable....
Mirage Ember just seems overused.
The DMRs are nothing more than ammo refills for the weapons a player already spawns with. Decent ammo refills should supply the player with enough...
Only the imaginable ones?
I need some advice. Should I reply to this idiot before or after his thread gets locked?
Mr Pot, what color is the Kettle? Your post isn't up to standards. Fix the following issues, or your post will be Locked. All map posts require...
Usually, people who go to XForgery do so because of the sentimental value that site holds for them. That site always had a very community-focused...
Try being nicer to new members. Everything you've said to Shadowcrab could have said just as effectively without the jerk behavior.
Just send a Private Message to a Moderator. If that doesn't work do not start a new thread.
I hope you don't think those asshats on your Target Practice map represent this community as a whole. The majority of us are actually quite nice....