Well... Colors are really all over the place. Effects clash too much. There is no sense of depth. Keep working at it. Look at some tutorials.
Basically what Light/Screen/that category does is gets rid of darker parts. Now what Multiply/Darken/Darker Color/etc. does is the opposite of...
My Fallout 3 character. ;D Seriously, though. Living in the game would be...so much fun.
Planet Renders v3 is your friend.
Wait, nevermind. Just the black line looked like it was behind it and the render was low opac.
In my opinion, there just wasn't enough effort put into it to have it up to my standards. They used the EXACT SAME engine as CoD4, which made it...
There isn't much done to it. Also, never put your render on lowered opacity. Just a tip. The background is boring as well. There is no sense of...
Thanks. Basically I put it on Lighten and erased until I got the parts I wanted where I wanted them.
That I'm getting back into my groove [IMG] [IMG] - Resources - [IMG] [img] Heh?
Really? MAN EDIT: looked better in photoshop ;]
[IMG] [IMG] yes? no?
I have one suggestion. Work on your text. Try something new. It looks low quality.
IMO this is your best sig yet. You've captured depth and used c4ds well. Also, the colors match but aren't completely monotone. I think the size...
I was wondering, what MMO do you play that you said had ~ 20,000 people and 4 servers, etc. I want to try it out. Also, is it pay to play, or free?
Needs focal other than text. Erase some over the guy on the mongoose, and sharpen him.
rawr DIZ! My Brute
Erase some of the effects over her face. Lighting is nice.
I like the style, but work on your text. And depth. It seems all oversharpened.
I bet Lock couldn't make a tag out of this stock...