****, I gotta go. Can we do this tomorrow?
Yeah...I dunno where to start though.
What do you mean by do we have the technology? If you mean what I think you mean, yees, I'm on my comp w/ PS.
Hm. Maybe. What's your request?
Yeah, I actually based it off his style. Cause. He's. ...sex.
Thanks EGP. You see, at first it didn't seem like the stock was LQ when I found it. Then at the VERY ****ING END of my creation, I noticed how bad...
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] - My latest tag. YESIKNOW, the stock was low quality. Don't be a skank about it. ;P
I love you. And your tags.
3rd and 5th. LOVE your style. Make tuts man, or hit me up on Skype. (dizfunk)
Well, I know in Photoshop, when you create a new .psd you can select Black, White, or Transparent background. Also, when there are no layers on...
D: I don't want a tut...just watch the oversharpening-ness on some of your signatures. You have improved, though. ;]
Loovee the effects on the left side. The right side could use more..something. The text is a bit meh and so's the border, but that's just me, you...
C'mon, one comment? Oh, and I love your signature albs.
Wait, scratch that.
Hey Shock. Would you mind changing my name to... Lollerskates ?
[IMG] v1 [IMG] v2 [IMG] v3 [IMG] v4 [IMG] v5 [IMG] v6
Alright, once I get on my other comp, I'll change the dots.
NUMBAH ONE. 'Tis sexeh.
No that's an effect. If you mean the tiny tiny black dots. ;\