The lighting needs to be work on. It is overpowering the signature a lot. Also, there is almost no flow at all in both signatures. There are...
I AM DISAPPOINT! ...if it's not Avatar: The Last Airbender, then it can't possibly be any good.
[img] Add pl0x^
Ily. ...
Yeah I guess..the front's just open and what not.
Never tried em. Next skate i'm gonna get will probably be xsjados. idk yet though, but they are sick.
Melikes, but the glare in the top right of the circle seems out of place. Idk why.
I've got to read it. Do you read his Gatekeeper series? It's more fantasy-esque but it's good. There is a new one entitle "Necropolis" out. I'm...
Razor Icons 2 jug liners. They're pretty new, but I'm getting some abec 5/7 bearing for them (hopefully).
[IMG] Ftw.
God damn I stayed up to 1 AM Sunday and I didn't have to. It hit me like a ton of bricks today.
Razor's FTW.
I quite like this. I don't care for the text and the line should be a more washed out color and a little thicker, but it has a nice feel to it.
The quality is not very high, and the text seems out of place. Work on effects. But Owl City FTW.
60GB Xbox hard drive New wireless controller Charging pack On The Byas hoodie Assassin's Creed II and/or Borderlands and/or Left 4 Dead 2 TV...
Work on developing a clean focal. They both make my eyes dart around.
The wife of the world's No.1 golfer Tiger Woods used one of his tools -- a golf club -- to smash open a window of his crashed SUV and then pulled...
MLG riot shield lol.
Needs moar focal.